Clinical Publications

Gold Anchor information material for download.

“Online correction of intrafraction motion during volumetric modulated arc therapy for prostate radiotherapy using fiducial-based kV imaging: A cohort study quantifying the frequency of shifts and analysis of men at highest risk”

Background (extract): We sought to characterize setup corrections in our practice informed by the TrueBeam Advanced imaging package, and analyze factors associated with intrafraction motion (IFM).

Methods (extract): 132 men received RT for prostate cancer with VMAT. All patients underwent planning CT immediately following transrectal placement of 3 fiducial markers (Gold Anchor). The most common RT course was 20 fractions (range: 17–44). Triggered kV images were acquired every 15 seconds over 2–3 full arcs using an onboard imaging system. Intrafraction motion (IFM) correction was considered when if any two fiducial markers in a single kV image were observed to be outside beyond a 3 mm tolerance margin. A manual 2D/3D match was performed using the fiducial markers from the single triggered kV image to obtain a suggested couch shift. Shift data for three (x, y, z) planes were extracted from the record and verify system and expressed as a single 3-dimensional translation. Shift percent (SP) was defined as the number of instances of an intrafraction correction divided by the total number of fractions for a given patient.

Results (extract): Over 2659 fractions of radiation, IFM was observed and corrected for 582 times across 463 (17%) fractions, and at least one shift was made over the course of treatment in 77% of men. On multivariate analysis, only rectal volume and width were associated with IFM.

Discussion (extract): The magnitude of IFM was 3.6 mm on average, and was ≥5 mm in 36% of patients thereby potentially resulting in underdosing of the intended clinical target volume that had been expanded by 5–8 mm for set up error. Clinicians should be aware of this potential for dosimetric uncertainty at the periphery of the treatment volume, and either correct for IFM in real time, adjust the PTV accordingly, or accept the risk of under-dosing the target.

Conclusion (extract): Men treated with shorter courses of therapy, such as SBRT, or men at high risk for IFM (e.g. larger rectal size) may warrant more careful consideration regarding the implications of IFM.

Article from Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2024

“Real-time gated proton therapy with a reduced source to imager distance: Commissioning and quality assurance”

Introduction (extract): Real-time gated proton therapy (RGPT) is a motion management technique unique to the Hitachi particle therapy system. It uses pulsed fluoroscopy to track an implanted fiducial marker. The marker positional tolerance can be defined such that the proton beam is only turned on for a small fraction of the breathing cycle. This effectively reduces the internal target volume (ITV) structure and thus the doses to the normal tissues as well. Unlike surface tracking technology, RGPT relies on implanted marker position which is a truer representation of tumor position. National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) has recently performed has started treating prostate and liver cancers with RGPT since September 2023.

Methods (extract): As part of commissioning, NCCS measured fiducial marker tracking fidelity. This measures the visibility and the tracking fidelity of all the clinical fiducial markers under different water equivalent thickness (WET) to determine the maximum WET for which marker tracking is still feasible. Apart from testing the marker suitability for RGPT, this measurement ensures the matching and tracking algorithm for irregularly shaped markers is functional. We perform measurements on two different markers, namely 0.28 x 10 mm2 and 0.4 x 10 mm2 Gold Anchor markers which are used in our clinic. These markers can attach firmly to the tissue and reduce the odds of marker migration and it can be inserted in ball or rod shapes based on clinical preference.

Results (extract): The 0.4 x 10 mm2 Gold Anchor fiducial markers inserted in a rod and ball shape manner can be tracked reliably up to 20 cm and 30 cm of plastic water thickness respectively. The smaller 0.28 x 10 mm2 marker inserted in a ball shape manner can be tracked up to 25 cm of plastic water thickness.
Discussion (extract): 0.4 x 10 mm2 Gold Anchor marker has been chosen for clinical use with RGPT.

Article from Physica Medica, 2024

“Inter-fractional error and intra-fractional motion of prostate and dosimetry comparisons of patient position registrations with versus without fiducial markers during treatment with carbon-ion radiotherapy”

Abstract (extract): In 2020, data from 15 patients with prostate cancer who received carbon-ion beam radiotherapy (CIRT) with gold markers were investigated. We checked marker positions before and during irradiation to calculate the inter-fractional positioning and intra-fractional movement and evaluated the CIRT dose distribution by adjusting the planning beam isocenter and clinical target volume (CTV) position.

Introduction (extract): Previous studies reported that image-guided irradiation using fiducial markers reduced late toxicity and improved biochemical tumor control. To enable patients with prostate cancer to receive these benefits at our institute, we introduced the fiducial marker Gold Anchor (0.4×10.0 mm; Naslund Medical AB, Huddinge, Sweden) for image-guided irradiation in October 2020.

Results (extract): The average variation in inter-fractional marker position for all patients was 1.68 ± 1.11 mm (mean ± standard deviation). The average variation in intra-fractional marker position, expressed as the Euclidean distance, in all patients was 0.76 ± 0.54 mm (95th percentile = 1.65 mm).

Conclusion (extract): Our study not only highlights the importance of considering inter-fractional and intra-fractional errors in treatment planning but also demonstrates the superior efficacy of fiducial marker matching in enhancing CTV coverage.

Article from Radiological Physics and Technology, 2024

“Real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy with SyncTraX for primary liver tumors requiring isocenter shift”

Abstract (extract): The SyncTraX series enables real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy through the real-time recognition of a fiducial marker using fluoroscopic images. In this system, the isocenter should be located within approximately 5–7.5 cm from the marker, depending on the version, owing to the limited field of view. If the marker is placed away from the tumor, the isocenter should be shifted toward the marker. This study aimed to investigate stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) outcomes of primary liver tumors treated with SyncTraX in cases where the isocenter was shifted marginally or outside the planning target volume (PTV). Twelve patients with 13 liver tumors were included in the analysis. Their isocenter was shifted toward the marker and was placed marginally or outside the PTV.

Materials and Methods (extract): A 2-mm-diameter, spherical, pure gold marker (Medikit, Tokyo, Japan) or 0.4×20mm Gold Anchor (Naslund Medical AB, Huddinge, Sweden) was used as the fiducial marker.

Conclusion (extract): An isocenter shift enabled all patients to complete their scheduled SBRT using the SyncTraX series, even in patients where the fiducial marker was distant from the tumor. Furthermore, the treatment outcomes in these patients are comparable to those reported in previous studies. These results suggest that SBRT using the SyncTraX series is feasible when the isocenter is marginal to or outside the PTV.

Article from Journal of Radiation Research, 2023

“Fiducial markers in adjuvant setting for a patient affected by endometrial cancer: a case report”

Introduction (extract): Implantation of Fiducial Markers (FMs) in the vaginal cuff of patients receiving radiotherapy (RT) or brachytherapy could help patient daily setup, image guidance and intra-fraction detection of the radiation targets.

Clinical case (extract): Case report of a woman treated with surgery for endometrioid cancer who underwent adjuvant pelvic IMRT after the implantation of 3 Gold Anchors (0.40 mm × 10 mm) in the vaginal cuff.

Results (extract): The patient reported no discomfort during the FM implantation, and no complications were seen. No evidence of FM migration was reported.

Conclusion: In our clinical case, the implantation of FMs in the vaginal cuff of a patient who underwent pelvic adjuvant RT was well tolerated and reported no complications. The use of IGRT procedures based on FMs surrogating the vaginal vault may reduce inter-observer variability and pave the way for adaptive strategies or stereotactic treatments as external beam pelvic boost in gynecological field.

Article from Frontiers in Oncology, 2023

“Online Correction of Intrafraction Motion during Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Prostate Radiotherapy: A Cohort Study Quantifying the Frequency of Shifts and Analysis of Men at Highest Risk”

Methods (extract): 132 prostate cancer patients underwent planning CT and same day placement of 3 Gold Anchor markers. Triggered kV images were acquired every 10 seconds using the Varian TrueBeam onboard imaging system. Intrafraction motion correction was considered if any two fiducial markers were observed beyond a 3 mm tolerance margin. Shift percent was defined as the number of instances of a >3 mm intrafraction correction divided by the total number of fractions for a given patient.

Results (extract): Across 2659 fractions, intrafraction motion correction was performed 582 times, in 463 fractions (17%). 101/132 patients (77%) had at least one shift during their treatment course, and 48/132 patients (36%) had shifts with an average magnitude of at least 5 mm. The median shift was 3.6 mm. 25% of men had a shift percent >20%.

Conclusion (extract): Intrafraction motion occurs in a significant percentage of men undergoing prostate RT with VMAT, and is correctable utilizing a common feature. Treatment approaches which do not account for intrafraction motion should consider including methods of immobilization, or larger PTV margins in order to avoid marginal miss of the prostate.

Abstract from ASTRO, 2023

“Evaluation of computed tomography metal artifact and CyberKnife fiducial recognition for novel size fiducial markers”

Purpose: This study aimed to compare fiducial markers used in CyberKnife treatment in terms of metal artifact intensity observed in CT images and fiducial recognition in the CyberKnife system affected by patient body thickness and type of marker.

Methods (extract): Five markers, ACCULOC 0.9×3 mm, Ball type Gold Anchor (GA) 0.28×10 mm, 0.28×20 mm, and novel size GA 0.4×10 mm, 0.4×20 mm were evaluated. Two types of CT images of water-equivalent gels with each marker were acquired using Aquilion LB CT scanner, one applied SEMAR and the other did not apply this technique. Next, 5, 15, and 20 cm thickness of Tough Water (TW) was placed on the gel under the condition of overlapping the vertebral phantom in the Target Locating System, and the live image of each marker was acquired to compare fiducial recognition.

Results (extract): GA 0.28×20 mm and GA 0.4×20 mm showed the best fiducial recognition.

Conclusions: We demonstrated the potential to reduce metal artifacts in the CT image to the same level for all the markers we evaluated by applying SEMAR. Additionally, the fiducial recognition of each marker may vary depending on the thickness of the patient’s body. Particularly, we showed that GA 0.40×20 mm may have more optimal recognition for CyberKnife treatment in cases of high bodily thickness in comparison to the other markers.

Article from Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2023

“Proton therapy planning and image-guidance strategies within a randomized controlled trial for high-risk prostate cancer”

Extract from abstract: The Danish Prostate Cancer Group is launching the randomized trial, PROstate PROTON Trial 1 (NCT05350475), that compares photons and protons to the prostate and pelvic lymph nodes in treatment of high-risk prostate cancer. The aim of the work described in this paper was, in preparation of this trial, to establish a strategy for conventionally fractionated proton therapy of prostate and elective pelvic lymph nodes that is feasible and robust. Proton treatments are image-guided based on gold fiducial markers and on-board imaging systems in line with current practice.

Extract from Materials and methods: … Patients in both treatment arms have fiducial markers (Gold Anchor, Naslund Medical AB, Huddinge, Sweden) for image-guidance… The compatibility of Gold Anchor fiducial markers with proton therapy was determined based on visibility and contrast in the imaging modalities shown in Fig. 1 as well as the absence of shadowing effects and dose degradations downstream of the implanted markers in the relevant clinical beam configuration [32].

Article from Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 2023

“Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fiducial Placement for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer”

Extract from abstract: Accurate delivery of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) to pancreatic tumors relies on successful EUS-guided placement of fiducial markers. …A retrospective chart review was performed for all (n = 82) PC patients referred for EUS-guided fiducial placement by a single endosonographer at a tertiary cancer center (i.e. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center). Data regarding EUS-related technical details, SBRT characteristics, adverse events, and continuous visibility of fiducials were recorded and analyzed.

Extract from results: …Gold Anchor (Naslund Medical AB, Huddinge, Sweden) 0.28 mm × 20 mm fiducial markers were used in 64 patients (78%).

Conclusion: …EUS-guided fiducial placement is a safe and feasible procedure with a measured success rate of 97% in patients with locally advanced or borderline resectable PDAC, according to our study.

Article from MDPI Cancers, 2023

“Hepatocellular carcinoma effective stereotactic body radiotherapy using Gold Anchor and the Synchrony system: Two case reports and review of literature”

Background: Radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is considered to have limited efficacy because of treatment intensity considering that the irradiated area includes the liver, which is highly radiosensitive. In this report, we present two cases in which tumor control by surgical resection, radiofrequency ablation, transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), and lenvatinib administration was difficult, but stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) using the Synchrony system by Radixact™ and Gold Anchor® (GA) was effective.

Conclusion: …SBRT using the Synchrony system and Gold Anchor can deliver a large dose accurately and safely, and could have a high therapeutic effect..

Article from The Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2022

“Carbon ion radiotherapy using fiducial markers for prostate cancer in Osaka HIMAK: Treatment planning”

Extract from abstract: Purpose: Carbon ion radiotherapy for prostate cancer was performed using two fine needle Gold Anchor (GA) markers for patient position verification in Osaka Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Kansai (Osaka HIMAK). The present study examined treatment plans for prostate cases using beam-specific planning target volume (bsPTV) based on the effect of the markers on dose distribution and analysis of target movements.

Materials and Methods: Gafchromic EBT3 film was used to measure dose perturbations caused by markers. …To derive the effect of markers, two types of markers, including GA, were placed at the proximal, center, and distal depths within the same spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP), and dose distributions behind the markers were measured using the films.

Results: …The dose perturbation close behind the markers was smallest (<10% among depths within the SOBP regardless of types of markers) and increased with depth. The effect of two types of GAs on dose distributions was small and could be ignored in the treatment planning.

Article from The Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2021

“A novel gold marker to aid intraoperative localisation during spinal surgery!”

Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the accuracy, complications and cost effectiveness of a novel gold marker [Gold Anchor] used as a preoperative spinal marker.

Technique (extract): As it is injected into the soft tissue rather than bone, its relatively pain free and sedation is not required unlike procedures which involve injection into the pedicle. It is technically easy and no assistant or scrub nurse is required for the procedure. The whole process takes less than 10 min. Intraoperatively gold is easily seen on fluoroscopy due to its high atomic mass.

Conclusion: A novel way of preoperative spinal marking using a Gold Marker is presented. We have found it to be cheaper and easier to use than many alternatives, without any complications so far.

Article from the British Journal of Neurosurgery, 2020

“Dose reduction potential of using gold fiducial markers for kilovoltage image-guided radiotherapy”

Extract from abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the possibility of reducing the imaging dose for image-guided radiotherapy by using planar kilovoltage orthogonal imaging and [Gold Anchor] fiducial markers (kV-FM). We tested kilovoltage planar images under clinical imaging conditions for the pelvis (75 kVp, 200 mA, 50 ms) at a decreasing tube current (from 200 to 10 mA). The visibility of the kV-FM, aspects of image quality (spatial resolution, low contrast resolution), and the resultant image registration reproducibility were evaluated. The imaging doses with 200 and 10 mA were approximately 0.74 and 0.04 mGy. Regardless of the marker’s shape, the GA phantom ensured visibility even when the tube current was reduced to the minimum value (10 mA). The low contrast resolution was gradually decreased at less than 50 mA, but the spatial resolution did not change. Manual-registration could be achieved with an accuracy of within 1 mm, even when the imaging dose was reduced to 1/20 of the clinical imaging condition for the pelvis.

Article from The Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2020

“Radiotherapy for prostate cancer: Effect of gold fiducial markers on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging”

Summary: The effect on diffusion-weighted (DWI) MRI was evaluated of 0.28×10 mm Gold Anchor fiducial markers, implanted with a line shape.

Conclusions: Gold fiducial markers demonstrated negligible effect on DWI quality. Therefore, it appears that the use of these markers does not preclude the optimal utilization of MRI, particularly DWI, during follow-up in prostate cancer patients.

Article from The Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2020

“Intrafractional fiducial marker position variations in stereotactic liver radiotherapy during voluntary deep inspiration breath-hold”

Objectives: To evaluate intrafractional fiducial marker position variations during stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in patients treated for liver metastases in visually guided, voluntary deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH).

Comment on methods: 10 patients with implanted fiducial markers were studied. Three DIBH CTs were acquired for treatment planning. Pre- and post-treatment CBCTs were acquired for each of the three treatment fractions. Per-fraction marker position was evaluated on planar 2D kV images acquired during treatment fractions for 4 patients that each had three Gold Anchor markers implanted.

Results: The median difference in marker position was 0.3 cm (range, 0.0-0.9 cm) between the three DIBH CTs and 0.3 cm (range, 0.1 to 1.4 cm) between pre- and post-treatment CBCTs. The maximum intrafractional variation in marker position in craniocaudal (CC) direction on planar kV images was 0.7 to 1.3 cm and up to 1.0 cm during a single DIBH.

Conclusion: In order to increase treatment accuracy, it is necessary to apply real-time monitoring of the tumour or a reliable internal surrogate when delivering liver SBRT in visually guided, voluntary DIBH.

Article from The British Journal of Radiology (BJR), 2020

“Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fiducial marker placement for neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for resectable pancreatic cancer”

Background: Preoperative neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (NACRT) is applied for resectable pancreatic cancer (RPC). To maximize the efficacy of NACRT, it is essential to ensure the accurate placement of fiducial markers for image-guided radiation. However, no standard method for delivering fiducial markers has been established to date, and the nature of RPC during NACRT remains unclear.

Methods: This was a prospective case series of 29 patients (mean age, 67.5 years; 62.1% male) with RPC referred to our facility for NACRT. Under EUS guidance, a single gold marker was placed into the tumor using either a 19- or 22-gauge fine-needle aspiration needle. The differences in daily marker positioning were measured by comparing simulation computed tomography and treatment computed tomography.

Conclusion: EUS fiducial marker placement following NACRT for RPC is feasible and safe. The RPC is mobile and is affected by not only aspiration, but also food and fluid intake and bowel condition.

Article from World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 2020

“Utilizing the TrueBeam Advanced Imaging Package to monitor intrafraction motion with periodic kV imaging and automatic marker detection during VMAT prostate treatments”

Background: Fiducial markers are frequently used before treatment for imageguided patient setup in radiation therapy (RT), but can also be used during treatment for image‐guided intrafraction motion detection. This report describes our implementation of automatic marker detection with periodic kV imaging (TrueBeam v2.5) to monitor and correct intrafraction motion during prostate RT.

Methods: We evaluated the reproducibility and accuracy of software fiducial detection using a phantom with 3 implanted [Gold Anchor] fiducial markers. Clinical implementation for patients with intraprostatic fiducials receiving volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) utilized periodic on‐board kV imaging with 10 s intervals during treatment delivery. For each image, the software automatically identified fiducial locations and determined whether their distance relative to planned locations were within a 3 mm tolerance. Motion was corrected if either ≥2 fiducials in a single image or ≥1 fiducial in sequential images were out of tolerance.

Conclusion: Periodic kV imaging with automatic detection of motion during VMAT prostate treatments is commercially available and can be successfully implemented to mitigate effects of intrafraction motion with careful attention to software settings.

Article from Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2020

“Safety and efficacy of fiducial marker implantation for robotic stereotactic body radiation therapy with fiducial tracking”

Summary: Gold Anchors were implanted percutaneously via the trans-thoracic route in lung in 80 patients for CyberKnife treatments at the Hartmann Radiotherapy Institute in France. This led to 9 cases (11%) of pneumothorax, out of which 2 cases (2.5%) required a drain. All implanted fiducials were effectively tracked by CyberKnife.

Article in Radiation Oncology, 2019

“EUS-guided placement of fiducial markers for the treatment of pancreatic cancer”

Background (extract): The aim of this video (Video 1, available online at is to describe the technique for placement of EUS-guided fiducial markers in the treatment of locally advanced PC.

Conclusion (extract): The application of SBRT to locally advanced or metastatic PC usually requires the use of fiducial markers to track the precise location of the tumor in real time. This advancement in radiation therapy technique can contribute to tumor downstaging and improve the chances of secondary resection; furthermore, it can enhance local control for unresectable disease and facilitate palliation of obstructive symptoms. In clinical practice, the decision to use EUS-guided fiducial placement requires a multidisciplinary approach involving gastroenterologists, oncologists, surgeons, and radiation oncologists.

Comment: The video in the below link shows Gold Anchor implanted in a pancreatic cancer patient with a 22G EUS-FNA needle. Please note that the back-loading technique shown in the video is now possible with the Gold Anchor Introducer device, see more information here.

Article from VideoGIE, 2019

“Rectal Culture and Sensitivity Analysis for Reducing Sepsis Risk After Fiducial Marker Placement”

Summary: Between 2015 and 2017, 96 patients had 3 Gold Anchor fiducial markers placed in conjunction with transperineal SpaceOar placement into the prostate at the University of Florida Health Proton Therapy Institute (UFPTI). None of these patients developed sepsis.

The authors write in their discussion “Bacterial UTI following fiducial placement to facilitate treatment planning and delivery for patients undergoing definitive RT for prostate cancer is a potentially life-threatening complication that can often result in sepsis, hospitalization, intensive care unit, and sometimes death. The incidence of this complication is rising, probably due to the widespread use of antibiotics and the consequential development of antibiotic resistant organisms”.

Article in the American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2018

“[OA126] Intrafractional imaging during volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) prostate treatment in combination with gold anchor fiducials”

Purpose: Triggered imaging is the use of kV image acquisition during treatment delivery to monitor intrafractional motion of implanted fiducials. An automatically identified fiducial point on the kV image is compared to its expected position predetermined from the treatment planning CT, and the treatment can be paused if the difference exceeds a user-definable tolerance.

Conclusion: Triggered imaging seems to perform satisfactorily when used in combination with well-separated and compressed Gold Anchor fiducials.

Abstract from Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden 2018

“MRI visibility of gold fiducial markers for image-guided radiotherapy of rectal cancer”

Background and purpose: A GTV boost is suggested to result in higher complete response rates in rectal cancer patients, which is attractive for organ preservation. Fiducials may offer GTV position verification on (CB)CT, if the fiducial-GTV spatial relationship can be accurately defined on MRI. The study aim was to evaluate the MRI visibility of fiducials inserted in the rectum.

Conclusion: The Visicoil 0.75 and Gold Anchor fiducials were the most visible fiducials on MRI as they were most consistently identified. The use of a registered (CB)CT and a T1 3D GRE MRI sequence is recommended.

Article from The Green Journal, 2018

“Low Infection Rate After Transrectal Implantation of Gold Anchor ™ Fiducial Markers in Prostate Cancer Patients After Non-broad-spectrum Antibiotic Prophylaxis”

Abstract: In 621 consecutive prostate cancer patients, the frequency of urinary tract infections (UTI) and marker loss was evaluated. They prophylactically received a single dose of non-broad-spectrum antibiotics and transrectal implantation of three thin needle fiducial markers, Gold Anchor ™ (GA). The occurrence of UTIs, sepsis, hospitalization due to infection, and marker loss after implantation was assessed from the medical records containing notes from physicians and nurses from the day of implantation to the end of 29 fractions. UTIs occurred in two (0.3%) of the 621 patients. Neither sepsis nor hospitalization was noted. Loss/drop-out of three markers was noted among 1,863 markers implanted.

Conclusion: The use of thin needles for the implantation of fiducials appears to reduce the rate of infection despite the use of a single dose of non-broad-spectrum antibiotics as prophylaxis. The marker construct appears to provide stability in the tissues.

Article from Karolinska University Hospital, 2018

“Percutaneous ultrasound-guided fiducial marker placement for liver cancer robotic stereotactic radio-surgery treatment: A comparative analysis of three types of markers and needles”

Summary: In Italy, ultrasound guided implantation in liver was performed in 50 patients of 68 gold grain markers 1×4 mm through 17-gauge needles, 78 Gold Anchors 0.4×10 mm through 22-gauge needles, and 17 Gold Anchors 0.28×10 mm through 25-gauge needles. The use of 17-gauge needles resulted in five patients developing abdominal pain and the migration of 4 gold seeds (5.9%). One vagal syndrome occurred when using 22-gauge needle. No complications were reported with the use of the 25-gauge needle. None of the Gold Anchor markers migrated.

Article in the Arab Journal of Gastroenterology, 2017

“Clinical Implications of a Novel, Iron-containing Fiducial Marker in Radiotherapy for Liver Tumors: An Initial Experience”

Summary: Gold Anchors were implanted percutaneously under local anesthesia close to liver tumors in four patients at the Meiwa Hospital in Japan. All implantations were successfully performed with no complications. The markers were more visible than the uptake of lipiodol emulsion. The markers were also well detected in CB-CT images in all fractions.

Article in Cureus, 2017

“The advantage of iron-containing fiducial markers placed with a thin needle for radiotherapy of liver cancer in terms of visualization on MRI: an initial experience of Gold Anchor”

Summary: Gold Anchors were implanted through 22-gauge needle in two liver cancer patients at the Gifu Municipal Hospital in Japan. This caused little pain during placement under local anesthesia with xylocaine. No complication occurred in either patient. The iron-containing fiducial marker composed of 99.5% gold and 0.5% iron made visualization in MRI easy, which helped registering planning CT and MRI easily and precisely.

Article in Radiology Case Reports, 2017

“Usefulness of Iron-Containing Fiducial Marker for Prostate Radiotherapy”

Abstract: Visualization of markers is critical for imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, the size of the marker varies according to the imaging technique. While a large-sized marker is more useful for visualization in MRI, it results in artifacts on CT and causes substantial pain on administration. In contrast, a small-sized marker reduces the artifacts on CT but hampers MRI detection. Herein, we report a new iron-containing marker and compare its utility with that of non-iron-containing markers…

Conclusion: Our findings show that an iron-containing marker is extremely useful in image registration. Bleeding and pain can be avoided by using a thin needle, and the marker can be recognized on prostatic MRI even when using a thin 22 G needle. The present findings suggest that the Gold Anchor will indeed be useful in daily practice.

Article in Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering, 2016

“Assessment of the feasibility and complications of implanting “Gold Anchor 25 G” fiducial markers by transparietal puncture under scanner before Cyberknife radiotherapy of lung nodules”

Summary: This is the largest series reporting the feasibility and complications of the use of the Gold Anchor 25G system for percutaneous puncture in the lung. This is a quick procedure, performed under local anesthesia. A single marker per lesion minimizes the risk of complications related to the implementation: with a pneumothorax rate of 25% versus 40-82% according to the series for 17 to 19G needles a rate of only 1.5% hemoptysis for the Gold Anchor 25G system.

Poster at SFRO 2015

“Visibility and artifacts of gold fiducial markers used for IGRT of pancreatic cancer on MRI”

Summary: The authors selected ten different markers suitable for endoscopic placement in the pancreas and tested the visibility and artifacts of these markers on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). They conclude that when visibility of the markers is most important, markers that contain iron [Gold Anchor] are optimal, preferably in a folded configuration.

Article in Medical Physics, May 2014

“Establishing adequately visible endoscopically implantable gold markers for CT, cone-beam CT and MRI”

Summary: Users interested in seeing the markers for CT-MRI registration purposes should use 0.28×10 mm Gold Anchor markers.

Poster at ESTRO 2014

“CyberKnife Markers Visible on CT and MRI”

Conclusion: We describe the use of the Gold Anchor fiducial markers in this poster. They have the advantage that a small amount of ferromagnetic material is mixed in the gold alloy to allow better visibility on MRI imaging than gold alloy fiducials alone. There are other markers that have been described (ref. 1) that also have a good signal on MRI imaging. One of the additional advantages of the Gold Anchor markers, however, is their crumpling effect that keeps them in position in soft tissue and low-density lung tissues.

Poster at The SRS/SBRT Scientific Meeting 2014

“Investigation of dosimetric effects of radiopaque fiducial markers for use in proton beam therapy with film measurements and Monte Carlo simulations”

Summary: The purpose was to estimate the dose perturbation introduced by implanted radiopaque fiducial markers in proton beam therapy (PBT) and to compare cylindrical 1.2 x 3.0 mm and 0.6 x 4.0 mm gold markers to 0.28×20 mm Gold Anchor markers. Radiochromic film measurements of a phantom showed that the Gold Anchor marker causes the least dose perturbations in proton beams. It is concluded that the major advantages of the Gold Anchor marker makes it superior and may be used in future PBT.

Thesis report, Stockholm University, April 2014

“Spatial Accuracy and Visibility Studies of a MRI Compatible Gold Anchor™ Fine Needle Fiducial Marker”

Conclusion: The new MRI compatible Gold Anchor™ adds new features on top of the existing advantages. For specific anatomical targets treatment planning with fiducial marker information can be performed based only on MR images. For other targets images from both MRI and CT can be matched through the information from the fiducials. The content of iron may be changed to optimize the best signal to disturbance ratio.

Poster at ASTRO 2012

“Assessment of stability of Gold Anchor™ fiducial marker implants in the prostate”

Conclusion: The position of the Gold Anchor™ fiducial marker in the prostate gland is stable, the marker remaining within the gland volume. The period of marker stabilization is less than the 7 days recommended by the manufacturer. We suggest that virtual simulation of the patient can be performed immediately after marker implantation.

E-Poster (E31-0276) at ESTRO 2012

“Comparison of the SBRT frame procedure versus Gold Anchor fiducial marker IGRT on Accuracy, Precision and Economy”

Conclusion: Positioning of the target with orthogonal images or CBCT with the Gold Anchor fiducial marker insertion is intuitive and easily accomplished for safe positioning. Excellent accuracy and precision can be achieved without the need of positioning patients in stereotactic whole body frames. The total cost of treatments with the Gold Anchor technique is less than with the use of the stereotactic coordinate set up due to less time needed in the treatment room and for preparations. However, a fixation system may be essential to minimize body movements during treatment.

Poster at ASTRO 2011, Poster #3367

“Using Foldable Gold Anchor Markers for Fiducial Tracking with the CyberKnife”

Conclusion: It is feasible to use gold anchor marker for Cyberknife. Ball shape or Tadpole gold anchor markers are recommended. Visual confirmation of lock-on is important due to the irregular shape of gold anchor markers. More study is needed to evaluate clinical effect.

Presentation at the 2011 CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery Summit

“An assessment of inter and intrafraction prostate mobility using Gold Anchors during prostate cancer patients volumetric modulated arc radiotherapy (RapidArc)”

Conclusion: The patient positioning using 2D/2D kV and Gold Anchors increases the setup precision and enables to reduce margins. Because the prostate motion during the course of radiotherapy can be significant, margins for the PTV should include the intrafraction prostate mobility.

Poster at ESTRO 2010, poster #1674

“Gold Anchor™ marker for IGRT, a new fiducial for high-precision radiotherapy”

Conclusion: Increasingly, we must be certain of exact localization of tumor targets by using markers and IGRT. The fine-needle marker presented here allows implantation into almost any tumor site with minimal risks of internal bleeding, infection or pneumothorax and can be implanted safely and precisely using guidance with ultrasound or CT. The Gold Anchor™ is developed for visualization with kilo voltage equipment during radiotherapy.

Poster at ASTRO 2009

“XVI Gold Anchor Seed Project”

Conclusion: The gold seed markers can be seen clearly using the clinical 3DCBCT and 4DCBCT protocol which means the seeds can be used clinically to track the tumour position using XVI at the point of treatment delivery.

S:t James’s Hospital, Leeds, UK, 2011

“An evaluation of side effects after gold markers (Gold Anchor™) implantation to prostate gland in patients with prostate cancer”

Conclusion: The Gold Anchors implantation is small invasive and safe method. The risk of side effects appearance is low.

English, translation from Polish article
Polish original

“Stereotactic radiotherapy of malignant tumors of the liver with golden markers application”

English, translation from Polish article
Polish original

“Zastosowanie złotych znaczników w radioterapii kierowanej obrazem u chorych na raka gruczołu krokowego”

Article in Polish, Onkologia-inf-4-2009

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    gdpr, pll_language, lang,


    Cookies that are used to track advertisement performance

    lidc, bcookie, bscookie, UserMatchHistory, test_cookie, lissc


    These are used to track user interaction and detect potential problems. These help us improve our services by providing analytical data on how users use this site.

    _ga, _gat_, gid
