Synchrony with CyberKnife and Radixact
Gold Anchor can be tracked in real-time with Accuray Synchrony® available on Cyberknife® and Radixact® Systems.
- It is recommended to implant Gold Anchor with a ball shape (folded) for optimal tracking with Synchrony®.
- See our Gold Anchor marker introduction video to learn how Gold Anchor can be implanted with a ball shape.
- Use this link as a guide to find your product code depending on what organ to treat.
- Visit our Intrafraction Motion Management section to learn more about fiducial real-time tracking.
- Under Learn more below we have listed some relevant publications for use of Gold Anchor with Cyberknife® and Radixact® systems.
Example: Liver
Example: Prostate
Gold Anchor has so far been used for CyberKnife® and Radixact® treatments of lung, liver, pancreas, adrenal gland, breast and prostate.”
Three Gold Anchor markers are required to track translations and rotations (X, Y, Z, Roll, Pitch and Yaw).
Four Gold Anchor markers are typically used for prostate treatments.
One Gold Anchor marker is used by some centers for smaller lesions, e.g. in lung. The Gold Anchor marker is then typically implanted inside or very close to the tumor, see image example from lung here and read about it in this SFRO poster from France.
“At the Swedish Radiosurgery Center we use Gold Anchor fiducials in our CyberKnife treatments for prostate, abdomen and lung, with great results. Thin needles for implantation, anchoring marker design and improved visibility on MRI enables safe and accurate SBRT.”
Learn more
- Evaluation of computed tomography metal artifact and CyberKnife fiducial recognition for novel size fiducial markers – Ball shaped 0.28×20 mm and 0.4×20 mm Gold Anchors showed the best fiducial recognition, Article (Yamanashi, Japan)
- Safety and efficacy of fiducial marker implantation for robotic stereotactic body radiation therapy with fiducial tracking – One Gold Anchor per lesion in 80 lung patients, Article (Paris, France)
- SBRT using the Synchrony® system and Gold Anchor can deliver a large dose accurately and safely – Article (Kanagawa, Japan)
- CyberKnife-based prostate cancer patient radioablation – Three Gold Anchors per prostate in 200 patients, Article (Gliwice, Poland)
- CyberKnife markers visible on CT and MRI – Poster at the SRS/SBRT Scientific Meeting 2014 (Austin CyberKnife)
- Using foldable Gold Anchor markers for fiducial tracking with the CyberKnife – Presentation at the 2011 CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery Summit (Philadelphia CyberKnife)
Note: Cyberknife, Radixact and Synchrony are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Accuracy Incorporated in the United States and other countries.