OCT 10, 2023

Limburgs Oncologisch Centrum (Jessa Hospital in Hasselt, Belgium & ZOL Hospital in Genk, Belgium) starts using Gold Anchor fiducial markers

Naslund Medical /JJ-MEDTECH performed/supported a training and education session at the Radiotherapy department at Limburgs Oncologisch Centrum (Jessa, Hasselt & ZOL, Genk), Belgium. A team of 8 urologists and 4 radiation oncologists were educated in the indication and implantation of using Gold Anchor fiducial markers during the use of external beam hypofractionation treatment in patients with prostate cancer.

Dr Philippe Bulens welcomed the audience and presented Prof Dr Ben Vanneste, radiation oncologist from the University of Gent, who was invited to present the importance of using markers. The technical aspects of Gold Anchor markers were presented by Jos J. Groeskamp. After the presentation a hands-on workshop was setup, in where urologists were able to place the Gold Anchor markers in a Viomerse prostate phantom under ultrasound guidance.

Tom Sundelin

Vice President of Sales