
Gold Anchor information material for download.

Product information

Prostate brochureLink
Any organ brochureLink
Breast biopsy marker brochureLink
Marker comparisonLink
Marker implantation trendsLink
Superior IGRT solution for prostate SBRTLink
MR+ A new unique marker material with exceptional MRI visibilityLink
Gold Anchor for Proton TherapyLink
White paper – MR-only workflow for prostate SBRT treatments at Tampere University HospitalLink

Video Demonstration

Gold Anchor marker introduction

Some practical advice on how to implant the Gold Anchor fiducial markers.

Transperineal implantation in prostate

See how Dr. Bengt Johansson performs a transperineal implantation of Gold Anchor fiducial markers in prostate to enable greater accuracy and precision in radiation therapy.

Gold Anchor Introducer for endoscopic placement

Gold Anchor Introducer is delivered pre-loaded with the Gold Anchor MR+ (1.5% Fe) marker inside. See video how to transfer the marker over into a 22G endoscopic ultrasound aspiration needle (“EUS Needle”).

Why use fiducial markers?

Watch this 5-minute video to better understand the critical role fiducial markers play in achieving greater precision during radiation therapy.

Video with customer testimonials

Implantation in abdominal organs

Customer testimonial by Dr. Fausto Labruto regarding ultrasound guided implantation of Gold Anchor fiducial markers in abdominal organs to enable greater accuracy and precision in radiation therapy.

Transrectal implantation in prostate

Customer testimonial by Dr. Enrique Castellanos regarding transrectal implantation of Gold Anchor fiducial markers in prostate to enable greater accuracy and precision in radiation therapy.

Transperineal implantation in prostate

Customer testimonial by Dr. Bengt Johansson regarding transperineal implantation of Gold Anchor fiducial markers in prostate to enable greater accuracy and precision in radiation therapy.