How to order
You can order directly from us, the manufacturer, or from one of our distributors depending on where you are located.
All quote requests and order enquiries can be sent to, We will be happy to assist you.
Ordering Gold Anchor is really simple. Based on your application and treatment modality you can use this link or the information below as a guide to choose your product code. For any questions related to choice of product code send an email to
Regulatory Approvals:
CE marked (EU MDR) EC QMS Certificate EC Certificate
FDA cleared 510(k) #K160209 #K201117 #K213053
Japanese approval #22700BZX0021600
The Gold Anchor needle is delivered pre-loaded with the Gold Anchor marker inside. It comes in a blister single pack, sterilized, ready for use. Products are packed and sold in boxes of 10 units per product code.

Product codes Gold Anchor MR+
Gold Anchor MR+ products contain markers made of an alloy of 98.5% pure gold and 1.5% pure iron. The table below shows existing combinations of needles and marker sizes.
Product codes Gold Anchor
Gold Anchor product versions shown below contain markers made of an alloy of 99.5% pure gold and 0.5% pure iron.
Product selection
We have some advice on what product you could test first for a specific application. Learn more >
For more general comments, see below.
Choice of marker
The Gold Anchor™ marker is available in two different diameters, Ø 0.28 mm and Ø 0.40 mm, and two different lengths, 10 mm or 20 mm, resulting in four different versions. Choice of marker depends on the user preferences regarding visibility, artifacts and dose perturbation. Learn more >
Choice of needle
Our Gold Anchor MR+ product codes start with the needle dimension, where XXYY means XX gauge and YY cm length, e.g. 2215 means 22G 15cm.
25 gauge needle
2515 is recommended whenever the target can be reached with that needle, e.g. for most cases in lung, liver, pancreas, kidney, adrenal gland, oligomets in abdomen and inguinal metastases. The reason for recommending 2515 is that it is thinner than the other needles. 2515 is thereby even safer to use.
22 gauge needle
2208 is mostly used for breast and for marking other superficial lesions.
2215 provides an alternative to 2515 for those cases in which a stiffer needle is beneficial, e.g. in cirrhotic liver, or when the 0.40 mm diameter marker is preferred.
2220 is mostly used for transrectal implantation in prostate (since the longer needle is required for use with the probe) and for gynecology treatments. However, in certain cases some doctors may prefer 2220 also for abdominal and thoracic targets since it is more rigid/stable than the 2515.
2225 is developed for ultrasound probes for transrectal insertions with needle guides that require a 25 cm needle.
20 gauge needle
2010 is mostly used for breast.
2020 is mostly used for gynecology treatments and by those that prefer a stiffer needle for transperineal implantation in prostate.
2035 is for use in bladder and rectal wall, through rigid cystoscope/rectoscope.
Gold Anchor Introducer
The Introducer is used to transfer the marker over into a 22G endoscopic ultrasound aspiration needle (“EUS Needle”). The Gold Anchor can then be placed in rectal, esophageal, pancreatic and central lung tumors.
Gold Anchor Introducer is delivered pre-loaded with the Gold Anchor MR+ (1.5% Fe) marker inside. It comes in a blister single pack, sterilized, ready for use, with the marker length clearly indicated on the package. The Gold Anchor Introducer is currently available for sale in Europe and the USA.
Gold Anchor Introducer has two different marker sizes:
- GATD-10 (0.28 x 10 mm marker)
- GATD-20 (0.28 x 20 mm marker)
Order directly from us
We sell directly in the United States and in most European countries. Please send all order requests to us and we will forward to distributors when applicable. We look forward to providing you with great service and our unique product.
For inquiries:
For orders:,
Naslund Medical AB
Avagen 40 B
14130 Huddinge, Sweden
Phone: +46 706 105 411
Fax: +46 850 900 381
Naslund Medical Inc.
150 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1950
Chicago, IL 60601, USA
Phone: (312) 212 3470
Fax: (312) 277 6688
Naslund Medical SARL
20 Rue Cambon
75001 Paris, FRANCE
Phone: +46 70 815 06 80
Fax: +33 (0)1 5301 3545
Naslund Medical Ltd
5 Upper Montagu St
London W1H 2AG, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 7730 132 435
Order from distributors or directly from us
We are proud to collaborate with our distributors. Please contact the distributor listed in your country:
United States
Naslund Medical Inc. Order directly from us
Naslund Medical AB Order directly from us
We will forward to distributor when applicable.
Rest of world
Australia & New Zealand, NL-Tec
Japan, GA Japan Company
Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, Transmedic
Can’t find a distributor for your market? Please contact us at: