Naslund Medical News

Real-time tracking of Gold Anchor fiducial markers

FEB 07, 2024We believe that real-time tracking of Gold Anchor fiducial markers creates unprecedented opportunities to provide safe and economical radiotherapy with high accuracy and precision. A recent study of 132 prostate cancer patients, with Gold Anchor markers...

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Limburgs Oncologisch Centrum

OCT 10, 2023Limburgs Oncologisch Centrum (Jessa Hospital in Hasselt, Belgium & ZOL Hospital in Genk, Belgium) starts using Gold Anchor fiducial markers Naslund Medical /JJ-MEDTECH performed/supported a training and education session at the Radiotherapy department...

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ASTRO 2023

OCT 4, 2023What a great ASTRO meeting in San Diego! It is always a pleasure to meet our existing Gold Anchor customers and a great pleasure to get to know our new customers. We are grateful, proud and happy to be part of improving cancer care throughout the world!

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MDR compliant

OCT 19, 2023Gold Anchor is now MDR compliant! Years of diligent regulatory work have proven to pay off! The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is a set of regulations established by the European Union to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices within the...

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New solution for Endoscopy

OCT 20, 2022 New solution for Endoscopy!  Placement of Gold Anchor through endoscope in central lung, esophagus, pancreas, and rectal tumors is possible by using the Gold Anchor Introducer. The Gold Anchor Introducer is delivered pre-loaded with the Gold Anchor MR+...

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Gold Anchor MR+

MAY 20, 2021 Gold Anchor MR+ A new unique marker material with exceptional MRI visibility • Until recently, all Gold Anchor markers were made of an alloy of 99.5% pure gold and 0.5% pure iron (int pat).• Since December 2020, Gold Anchor markers are also made of an...

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Superior IGRT solution

Gold Anchor enables a superior IGRT solution for prostate SBRT. IGRT is standard of care for hypofractionation of the prostate. There are however several ways to perform IGRT and above is a comparison illustrating downsides with other options than Gold Anchor.

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Moving to SBRT for prostate due to COVID-19?

MAR 31, 2020 Healthcare institutions around the world are currently under extraordinary pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the radiotherapy centers are no exception. Organizations like ASTRO and ESTRO have presented recommendations and information on how to...

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Marker based IGRT for breast

OCT 10, 2019 Do you also foresee an increased use of fiducial markers in breast? Accelerated Partial-Breast Irradiation (APBI) offers several benefits, including reduced treatment time, reduced health care cost, and spared healthy tissue. The patient group deemed...

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HYPO-RT-PC phase 3 trial

SEP 10, 2019 Congratulations to all the 12 Swedish and Danish centers that have contributed to the HYPO-RT-PC phase 3 trial! As the first published randomised trial on ultra-hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer, Lancet 18 2019, this groundbreaking study...

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New study confirms low risk and great marker stability

DEC 13, 2018 We are happy to share this new study about Gold Anchor from the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, with you. In 621 consecutive prostate cancer patients, the frequency of urinary tract infections (UTI) and marker loss was evaluated after...

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